Thursday, April 28, 2011

Party Like a 2 Year Old

Many people celebrate Easter in many different ways. This year I spent it remembering how it was when I was little.
As I and the other adults in the house were hustlin' and bustlin' to get ready, clean and make the last minute entres and desserts my 2-year-old godson only cared about one thing ——the candy that sat in front of him.

Although I think initially we were more excited than him about his Easter basket (we woke him up before he was ready to watch him dig in) he quickly took a great infatuation to his cute yellow basket filled an abundance of candy and mini water guns.
And boy was he happy.

We can all take a lesson from him. Next time you are forced to hurry around and are feeling a little flustered do me a favor.
Enjoy what's right in front of you and party like a 2 year old.