Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Capturing the Moment. Enjoying the Moment.

I do not claim to be a photographer. But I like capturing moments and having fun with it. So when one of my best friends asked me to shoot her engagement photos, there was no way I could say no.

The best thing about the experience wasn't the photos themselves but the memories we made as we did it. I have not only been apart of both Aliscia and Aaron's lives since we were freshmen in college (Aaron kind of invaded my dorm room and Aliscia and I became inseparable after our first journalism class) but now I have become a part of their future.

I love my friends. The day we took the photos was proof. Aliscia had to be to work at 2, so instead of canceling we chose the next best option... waking up way to early to be in Detroit when the sun came up. We were determined to get some photos. And that we did.

It was cold, a bit too sunny and we were on a time crunch. But we found some cool parks, bridges, a non-water spewing fountain and backgrounds and we made sure to take time to have a lot of fun. Because if everything is taken too seriously then it all goes by too fast.

Congratulations to two of the best people I know! Let's get to the wedding planning :)