Sunday, July 8, 2012

Remembering to Rest

Life can get crazy. I'm trying to remind myself when that happens to stop, breathe and enjoy what's around me.

It's been a month since my friend Lindsay and I took a journey to Pictured Rocks in the UP. It was four slow moving days filled with nature, beauty, water, s'mores, camp fires and sunsets. Most of the time our phones had no signal and we had no where to be in a hurry. Peaceful. I would like to go back there.

Our campsite overlooked Lake Superior and we saw possibly the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. One night we laid out on the beach and just looked at the stars because, well, what else were we going to do in the middle of no where. But to be in the middle of no where is somewhere I would like to be more often. Everything is different there.

As I start a work week that will be filled with night meetings (not my favorite part of my job) I like to remember that a time to rest and take in some calm is needed. It will however be hard to top the weekend in Pictured Rocks where we kayaked 10 miles right along side the beautifully striped rocks, so close we could touch them. We maneuvered through little caves, went under a small waterfall and paddled through Lake Superior over a ship wreck. Our tour guide Greg (we went through Paddling Michigan) was great, entertaining and knowledgeable. Hands down the best part of the trip. The weather was perfect and literally just as we paddled up to the shore at the end of the day it started to rain. Couldn't have asked for better timing.

Every time I see such beauty it brings me a little more sanity in my life -- which I don't have much of to begin with. In my opinion, it's God's way of reminding me that he is there and that slowing down every once in awhile is needed.

Our next day's adventure took us hiking through some cool trails, near some waterfalls and rivers and down to an awesome beach. Some people might not see this as relaxing, but for us it was just what we needed. I can honestly say this trip will be hard to top. But I challenge you to do what I will be doing this week -- Find time to stop, relax and take in something beautiful. Always being in a rush will only cause you to miss out on something great.