Monday, September 27, 2010

Adult in Training

At age 21 I don't really consider myself an adult quite yet. I prefer to call myself an adult in training.
And I definitely have a lot of learning to do.
Here's a few things I have learned:
* When checking the mailbox expect mostly ads and bills.
* I need to spend a little more time cutting coupons and looking for sales.
* Making a meal to leave enough for leftovers should be cut in half unless I want to be eating that same meal for a week or more (I unfortunately learned that the hard way)
* The dry erase board I bought serves the purpose of keeping me organized and not to draw unnecessary pictures and smiley faces.
* A couch is not a necessity but an apartment feels empty without it.
* Running a few times a week actually helps keep me sane.

One big realization I came to while in this middle phase is having a kitten is sort of like practicing for having a child one day.
Sonny is 12 weeks old, full of energy, adorable and chewing on my headphone cord currently as I type. Just as a mother has to baby proof a house, I, too, have had to kitten proof my apartment.

* All shoes with shoe laces must never be left by the door.
* My DVD player was stored in the shelf in my closet when not in use to prevent potentially hazardous electrocution by chewing on the cords.
* 3 a.m. means nothing to Sonny, especially when he wants to play.
* And sometimes I hope if I turn the TV on he will be mesmerized and finally be still for once.

I may have a full time job, my own apartment and a car payment but I still like to make cookies just for the fun of it, color pictures and hang them on my wall and keep a cow shaped cookie jar on my counter.
And I will admit it... I watch the Disney channel. Yup.

Adulthood isn't in full blossom. And maybe it never will be, but for now I don't mind pretending.

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