Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stories. People. Life.

"If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten." ~ Rudyard Kipling
I've been thinking, what if we went up to complete strangers just to find out their story?

When I'm running, in a new place, running errands or volunteering I look at a person and wonder, "What has their life been like? What is something you would never know until you ask?" Maybe it's the journalist coming out in me, but seriously, how cool of a project would that be?

What if every month, every week or even every day you went up to someone new and just talked to them and listened. I bet you would be surprised by what they had to say. Sure, there will be some that want nothing to do with you. That's life.

But what if that person was dying to tell someone, anyone their story. What if it made their day a whole lot better? I met some pretty amazing people in my life and taking them at face value does not do them justice. Hearing their story, their past and what gets their heart beating... that's what makes them stick in my mind.

Everyone has something cool to say,even if they don't think so. It's almost always guaranteed. Maybe I will take this on as a challenge...

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