Sunday, August 9, 2015

I moved to Flint … really

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."- Margaret Mead


“Why would you do that?”

“You should buy a gun.”

(Insert confused look here)

Those are all reactions I have gotten when I told someone I moved to downtown Flint.

Yes, really. I made the conscious decision to move downtown. That’s the only place I wanted to be. The city. The people. The change. The community. It was all something I couldn’t wait to be a part of.

Let me tell you something about this city. It has character and it has heart. It may also be a little rough around the edges, but there is nowhere else I would rather be.

I grew up in Swartz Creek. I spent the last five years living in Grand Blanc. And now, for the last month, I have lived a couple of blocks from the heart of downtown Flint.

Yes, there is violence in Flint. There is also violence in Grand Blanc and in Swartz Creek. I don’t live my life in fear.

The Flint I know is filled with positive changes like the new Farmers’ Market downtown, new businesses downtown and universities like UM-Flint and Kettering that are working together to make a drastic impact in the community.

I see organizations and nonprofits showing their heart and passion for the people of this city by fixing up houses or bringing hope.

I work downtown. I spend my money and my free time downtown and in the city. I believe a big change is coming. So in my mind moving to Flint was the best decision I could make.

I’m not naïve. We have a long way to go. More blight needs to be eliminated. The violence in the neighborhoods needs to stop. We need more jobs and more opportunity in Flint. The community needs more hope. I believe that is coming. I believe it’s already here.

Please, do me a favor. When you choose to react to me moving to Flint, take the time to come see what this city has to offer first.

You might be surprised.


  1. Motivating! I always defend Flint with the utmost pride and respect when i talk to my friends and family from midland. I love living in flint. This is where my heart is :-)

  2. Also check out Adrian's recent blog post about the great opportunities in Flint and what the future holds:
